Monthly Archives: May 2008

i’m off, hopefully we’ll be speaking again soon.

for real

i saw narnia today and this was one of the trailers

hot mama

Yes.  That is my mother.

I’m home for a week before my travels.  It feels SO good to be here.

I finally got around to scanning in some images from the old albums.  If anyone’s interested in seeing more sexxxy pictures of my younger Mother and pictures of me as a little booger you can view them here

hello new friend!

Vatican: It’s OK to believe in aliens

yes, the true headline in my yahoo! front page.. after “love contracts: office romances”

oooohh yyyaaaahoooooo

europe pt1


1-6 iceland

6-8 oslo

8-11 bergen

12 coppenhagen

13 amsterdam

14-17 belgium

17-19 paris

19-22 barcelona


then this is wisdom (in the form of a gorgeous apartment i can barely afford with mark)! thanks for the reassurance fortune cookie!